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Memorable Moment in My Life

My Memorable Moment When I Was a Child

Hello anyone… Now, the weather is very cool in Purwokerto so I want to use my spare time to share my memorable moment. I am writing this story and accompanied by lot of foods and cozy situation in my boarding house :). Actually, I have so many memorable moments because my life is very colorful (I’m not showing off he-he but it is real indeed!).However, I just want to share one of my memorable moments. I want to share and tell you about my naughtiness when I was a child. Well, every one absolutely has a memorable moment. The moment can be embarrassing, pleasure and sad. Ehmm, I don’t know that my moment is embarrassing or not so you should read this story wholly to know about it.

Well, this moment happened when I was in elementary school. I think it was when I was in third grade. In the past, I was naughty child. I used to like doing something different but it doesn’t mean that I was abnormal no… I was only love to do something that my friends never do it. Okay, if you have read my post about my trip to go to Prau Mountain, you will know that I love outdoor travelling. When I was a child I also love to do it. However, my parents didn’t permit me to do the outdoor travelling so I did it with my own ways. I did it by playing in the river and I was walking around my village, walking around a cemetery (don’t scare with me, I used to walk there not to do a mystical ritual Teehee!). Moreover, I had ever walked underneath of a bridge. I didn’t know what in my thought when I was doing it because I only knew that those activities make me happy. Also, I was like an outdoor travelling reporter in one of television programs.  I feel that I was like Riyanni Jakaru when I was walking in those places:-D.

Okay, now I will tell my naughtiness when I was playing with my friends in the river near our house. My friends were Ainun and Fitri. Also, I asked my cousin named Tri to go with me. You should know that our parents forbade us to go to the river but we were stubborn children. I didn't care if their parents would blame me because their children went to the river. I used to think that the activity was pleasure. When we arrived in the river, we did not want to swim there. However, we changed our mind because there was a boy enjoying his swimming activity. Finally, we tempted to have fun in the river and decided to swim. Shh, we were enjoying it very much we also removed our clothes and hung it on a tree branch. We were very young so we weren't embarrassed to do it Teehee!. While we were happy and having fun, we felt surprised. Suddenly, Ainun’s mother came to us and she brought a rattan to hit her. Ainun scared and she asked me to make her head was in the water. While I was doing it, Ainun’s mother asked me “where is Ainun?” “Ainun was not here” I answered. However, when Ainun’s mother almost had gone, Ainun arose from the water. Huh I thought she couldn't dive for a long time in the water. After that, Ainun’s mother was angry with her and even with me. She asked her to go home.  

A few minutes later, we decided to go home because it was almost at 5 p.m. We were afraid if our mother would do the same with Ainun’s mother. We washed our body from dirt in the river and brought our clothes. However, a stupid thing came again, my clothes washed away in the river. Unfortunately, I could catch it but it was wet. If my clothes were wet, I was afraid my mother would know that I played in the river and she would be angry with me. I could not accept the reality if only my clothes were wet so I was pretending to make their clothes fell down in the water by mistake. What a naughty I was! teehee! We felt very shameful because we had to cross a boulevard to go home. Also, we were afraid if our parents got angry. However, with bravery we went home and we plan some tricks in order to make our parents did not know that we were in wet. We had to take a bath before our parents knew it.  Fortunately, our mission was complete, our parents dint know about it but several days later Fitri told me that her mother were angry with her. I felt innocent at that time hehehe!. However, now I feel guilty with Fitri, I’m sorry fitri and Ainun 0:)

Okay that’s all about my story of memorable moment. Actually, I miss that moment and I miss my childhood. Well, I hope the story is entertaining and I’m sorry if there is a mistake or grammatically error. Bye and thank you for reading :)


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