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Really hurt to remind
A mortal tales and fake promise
Theoretical Love…
You said that I was special
You loved me immortal
I was lovely gift
You are willing to do anything
Sacrificing your life for me only
Theoretical love…

It is just conditional love
You never accept me just the way I am
Let me screaming and crying every day
Because of you
Call it the theoretical love

You left me
Go back word and forgot it
Because of one reason
It is my past that you bob up and down

I ran away from you
Hoping you caught me
Hoping you proved all promises
Not only the theoretical love

For long time I've been waiting
I tried to erase you
Then you came back to me
Coming and saying you would forget me
Where was your heart?
You let me waiting for long time
And hoping you’re responsible with promises
But it was theoretical love

Now, I have forgiven
Come to terms with
Because I’m not a perfect girl
But I won’t have the theoretical love
Later, you gave me words
Saying you never go with me again
Why you said it while I remember the words
“I will forget you”
I wanna run away from you
The girl like me is not needed by you
I can’t face you
I am not perfect but I try to the better every minutes

I take wisdom
I believe you will find the better
Get your need
So do I
But I doubt you will get it
If you still have the insolence

You said you never know about our future
Whether with you or not
I never regret to know you
On the other hand
I really hope we are never allied again
I hope God created you not for me

You have died, have disappeared
With an epitaph in my deep heart
You are another person now
Who just known by me
It is about theoretical love
That’s you made for me


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