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MäRGiN Theater

One of Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) in Economy and Business Faculty in Jenderal Soedirman University is MäRGiN. Margin is a theater organization which is established in 1995. It means Margin has been existed for 20 years. Margin Theater is very famous in Jenderal University because Margin often holds a big event frequently. Margin is guided by Mr. Januar. In 2015, the chief of Margin is Azhar Delianoor. He is the student from Management Bachelor 2012. Margin has 12 committee and many members. Margin usually performs comedy drama, realistic drama, and many more. Margin’s members are very cohesive so they are successful to work in team. Moreover, the members of Margin always explore something when they are planning to perform a drama. They always prepare a drama show for long time to make their performance is the best. For example, if they will hold a drama show to be shown on December, they will practice 6 months before.

Margin has nearly big event which is twenty eight times called “Pentas Produksi”. Margin is proudly presenting “Nyonya-Nyonya”. It is the drama which is created by Wisran Hadi in 80 eras. Nyonya-Nyonya which is presented by Margin will be held in Soemardjito Unsoed. It will occur in the middle of May.  It is a realistic drama. Nyonya-Nyonya drama is directed by Brilliant Suhartomo or often called “Bang Ian” who is the student from International Management 2012. The teams are divided into two groups. The first group is production which contains of a leader, a secretary, a treasurer, an equipper and many kinds of them. The second group is artistic is worked to set a stage, setting, make-up costume artist, and lighting. Both of them work behind the scenes but the artistic team manages all the things in the stage. However, the two groups corporate each other to make this drama is successful. In addition, there are some actors and actresses who play in the drama.

Nyonya-Nyonya is played by six people. They have been exercising from December 2014 until now. From Monday to Saturday, they do the hard exercises. They should practice 6 to 8 hour per day. The main actress is Yessy Rizky Utami who is the student from Financial Administration 2013. She said “I was very surprised when was chosen because that was my first time for me to become the main actresses. However, all of the players are same, we are also very important in the drama.” The story of Nyonya-Nyonya is taught us about the women life. The story is a culture drama which is telling about worth, throne, and women.  Yessy plays as Nyonya who is named Hayati. Hayati is a young woman who has an old husband. When her old husband is sick, there are some nephews and nieces come to her to ask for a legacy. Furthermore, there are many people come to her to make some problems. The main content of the story is how she can hold out from many problems. It is ancient story but it can be relevant until now because the story is about our daily activity and life. The duration of this drama is about 2 hours with 10 rounds. According to Yessy, the drama is must be watched because there are some values that we can get. Furthermore, the ticket is free.

Margin always remembers the principal of drama that make their performance is the best. It is interesting words which is the mindset for their performance. Those are realizing, natural act, and sincere act.  Realizing means that the actors and actresses must realize about the character in the drama. Natural means that the actors and actresses should be interesting to be seen by many people. Also, sincere act means that the actors and actresses should be sincere when they are playing to perform a character in a drama for many viewers. Therefore, margin usually makes a drama show which is free without any contribution.

The Margin collaborates with many theaters in Jenderal Soedirman University. They are completing each other. For example, when they will hold an event, they support each other. Also, when they need some instruments, they can borrow each other. Yessy as the member in Margin said that she is excited to join the theater because she can learn more about playing a drama and she can learn about good organization. Margin is also open free exercises for other members in another faculty. It is opened on Wednesday and Friday. 


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